Unity Party Universe

All Unity Parties Under One Banner, Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All

Uniters, Join the Unity Party!

Listed below are active political parties around the world that use the word “Unity” or the phrase “Unity Party.” In the interests of practicing what we preach here at the Unity Party of America and advancing the cause of Unitism, we’re willing to work with any organization in the world that uses the “Unity Party” label, though we’re of course more than willing to start our own local Unity Parties as appropriate (for a few cases in point, please see the Unity Party of Germany and the Unity Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Note that the Unity Party of America does not advocate placing demonyms in front of the words “Unity Party” (see the “American Unity Party” example below), as this can cause confusion, and, more importantly, could erroneously lead to nationalism (as De Gaulle said, “Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.”). We’re Uniters, not haters, and instead advocate simply placing the word “of” after “Unity Party,” the word “of” in turn followed by the relevant geographical name (e.g. “Unity Party of America,” “Unity Party of Colorado,” etc.). A warning from the past for this author’s former friends in Colorado is perhaps the Latvian Unity Party.

It’s rather interesting that the words “Unity” and “Party” have been a part of the English language since the early 1300s (since before the start of the Hundred Years’ War), and yet no one has thought (until now) to effectively combine those two words into a single and powerfully simple phrase. So join the geniuses!

The one asterisk to our origninality is, of course, the Unity Party of Liberia, who also use the wonderful slogan “With Liberty and Justice For All.” The official language of Liberia is English, and the country’s roots lie in a misguided project from the early 1800s to repatriate African-Americans back to Africa. It might be easy to set things right: the 2023 elections that resulted in the Unity Party’s Joseph Boakai being elected President of Liberia, were, according to the European Union, “remarkably close and well-administered.”

  1. American Unity Party

  2. Unity Party (Azerbaijan)

  3. Unity (Latvia)

  4. Unity Party (Liberia) (Liberia’s ruling party; not bad for a party that doesn’t even have a website)

  5. Unity Party (Sierra Leone) (Yes, founded in 2017 next door to Liberia; is “Unity” already spreading?)

  6. Unity (South Ossetia) (Intriguing logo)

  7. Unity (Sweden)

Header photo credit: Public Domain

(List of Website Images and Credits)