Unity Party of Switzerland
Uniting the Swiss Confederation!
Welcome to the Official Webpage of the Unity Party of Switzerland!
Herzlich Willkommen! Bienvenue! Benvenuti! Bainvegni!
(In light of the Swiss Confederation’s multilingual nature, the lingua franca of English will be used below.)
The Unity Party of Switzerland Platform
(Contact us with suggestions!)
Climate Change: Switzerland has more to lose due to Climate Change than most countries, and should do more than most countries to fight it, including by shifting taxes away from hard-earned wealth and income to the fight against climate-change-inducing emissions in order to protect the tourism industry.
Banking Secrecy: The famous Swiss banking system has been abused by foreigners, but has also saved foreigners (it’s been forgotten that the first Swiss banking laws were enacted in 1934 to protect assets from the Nazis), and, in the interests of freedom everywhere, a balance needs to be reached. In this era of resurgent totalitarianism around the world, it’s more important than ever that those fleeing unjust regimes be able to hide their assets from thugs who happen to be running entire countries.
Immigration: Swiss voters concerned about rising levels of irregular immigration could stick it to the EU by voting on the national referendum outlined below to leave the EU and join the US, thus (on the remote possibility that Germany and the United States would vote the same way and therefore that this would happen any time soon) forming a hard and secure border around a famous Alpine redoubt.
National Referendum on joining the United States: This Unitist proposal is a long shot for now, but one of the nation’s future referenda should be on the question of joining the United States (but only if neighboring Germany does so as well; US membership would only work with access to the sea).
Header photo credit: chil at camptocamp.org