Unity Party of Dominica
Welcome to the Official Webpage of the Unity Party of Dominica!
Interim Chair, The Unity Party of Dominica
(Mr. Giusto’s personal webpage)
Dominicans, email Unity Party of Dominica Interim Chairman Andrew Giusto (above) to sign up for the UPD’s first national convention!
Everyone, see the Unity Party’s donation page for information on supporting the Unity Party of Dominica!
According to our research, and as of early 2025, Dominica does not have legislation prohibiting foreign political donations. Notably, there are bans on neither anonymous donations nor foreign donations to political parties in Dominica.
Unity Party of Dominica Platform
(Proposed; to be voted upon at first UPD convention)
1. Term Limits
This is the best point I think will get a ton of Dominicans on board. The current prime minister has been in that position for 20 years & he’s been in parliament for 24 years. They have an extremely stale government and a lot of people want to change that. What we could propose is a two 5-year term limit.
2. Income Tax Abolition
Dominica has a 15-30% income tax although it’s not the most unpopular thing. A lot of people would love more money in their pocket and it would jump-start the economy.
3. Circular Economy (100% recycling products 100% made in Dominica)
This is one of my ideas that I didn’t adapt from the official platform. Climate change is a big thing in Dominica, so a circular economy basically means 100% recycling & I added 100% made in Dominica. This way it creates a ton of jobs for people and makes the island basically self sufficient & creates a ton of rather well-paying jobs that are less physically taxing.
4. Eliminate Dependence on China
This is a tiny bit harder to sell but it’s clear that China wants not just Dominica but most of the Caribbean either as its client states or as de facto puppets. This is a plus that will naturally happen when #3 #2 & #5 are realized but it’s an important one.
5. Increase Tourism
This is a no-brainer. I have some of the specifics such as getting in more flights from Mexico & South America as some of those countries have developing middle classes that are taking their first vacations. The Dominican Labor Party has kinda been not talking about tourism, which is a great opening for us.
6. Referendum on Joining the United States as the State of Dominique
Dominicans (Dominiquens, if such a referendum were to pass?) should be allowed to vote on a referendum on whether to join the United States as the State of Dominique (yes, it’s time to end the confusion with the Dominican Republic while we’re at it). The fact that English is the official language would help ease the transition, and the United States (Dominique included) would be strengthened in the Eastern Caribbean.
Dominican Campaign Finance Law Source: https://dominica.gov.dm/images/docs/notices/electoralreform/Phase_2_Report_on_Electoral_Reform_in_Dominica_12_June_2023.pdf
Header photo credit: NASA / Public Domain