Forward Friday Meetings

Next Forward Friday: Friday, April 11, 2025

(For future Forward Fridays, see the Unity Party’s official calendar.)

Do you consider yourself a Uniter (or are you just curious about the Unity Party of America?)? Join us every second Friday of the month at 12 noon Seattle (Pacific) time for our monthly online confabs (as of April 2025, 12 noon PT translates to 1 pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET and 9 pm CET). Send a request to join ahead of time, and all (including the media and general public) are welcome!

Header Photo Credit: NASA

Friday March 14th Forward Friday Minutes 

Attendees: Bill Hammons Andrew Giusto Anna Grod.

Bill Hammons nominated Andrew Giusto for secretary of the United  National Committee 

Andrew Giusto Accepted  

Nomination Unanimously Approved 

Aye: Bill Hammons Andrew Giusto  

Nay: N/A 

The secretary will be listed on the United National Committee page Andrew Giusto noted that to qualify the Unity Party of Dominica a PO  Box was needed. Along with some district representatives  The chancellor of Germany is reading our press releases about the  Austin Brigade 

Andrew Giusto inquired if the Austin Brigade was a Militia  Bill Hammons clarified he wouldn’t use that word  

Bill Hammons shared the following link the-painting-that-explains-trumps-foreign-policy-c387323a Andrew Giusto suggested describing the Austin Brigade as a  “Veterans Organization” 

Anna Grod. joined  

Various conversations occurred about German politics Randall Bowers Jr. volunteered 2 months ago for vice chairman but  did not show up for the previous meeting due to a business meeting  neither did he show up to the current meeting. 

A Unity Party of Colorado convention will be held in April There will also be a national convention in April  

There will be a forward Friday on April 11th 

Various political conversations occurred