Upraisers United!

Upraisers, Get United and Do Well by Doing Good!

Upraiser Fundraisers

Powering Up the Unity Party of America

Ignore GOP Presidential also-ran Vivek Ramaswamy’s amateurish “Kitchen Cabinet” scheme to pay supporters a flat rate of 10% of any contributions they raised from other supporters. (Haven’t heard of Ramaswamy? There you go.) Years before 2024, the first commission-based political fundraising project was initiated by the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America at the behest of founder and chair Bill Hammons. Commissions are calculated at the below rates, based on aggregate monthly amounts of donations received in a Unity Party account. Upraisers (and Uniraiser managers, for that matter) must register with us beforehand, be listed on the appropriate page, and must inform us in real time of the individuals they, or others in their hierarchy, are soliciting for donations to the Unity Party of America (registration and notification are to ensure that potential donors and the Unity Party won’t be scammed).

Please note that the Unity Party has expanded its fundraising in and beyond the United States to fund Unity Parties in countries currently beyond the borders of the said United States (per Amendment XVIII to the Unity Party Constitution [“Unity supports the right of self-determination for all Peoples, including their right to establish new States within the United States of America as appropriate”] and our Unitist philosophy). In fact, as of this writing, our current fundraising focus is on Germany, where (somewhat limited) donations by foreigners are allowed (see below), but fundraising commission rates are capped at 25% per German law. The very good news is that any EU citizen can donate to a German political party, and without limit (individual donations in excess of €50,000 must be reported to the Bundestag immediately).

As you can see below from the Upraiser commission rates outlined below, once you hit a new higher rate, that rate is retroactively applied to all donations you’ve earned that month. So once your total donations raised for the month reach the next threshold, you effectively get a bonus in addition to the new rate going forward. Note that these rates are subject to change, with proper notice being provided, per the contract you’ll be sent upon signing up.

Unity Party Upraiser Commission Rates (As of 10/1/24)

*Note that, as indicated several times elsewhere on this page, commissions on donations raised on behalf of the Unity Party of Germany are capped at 25% (per German law), and donations by non-EU citizens are also limited, but donations by EU citizens have no limits, even if commissions are still capped at 25%.

  1. 10%: Up to $1,000 US raised per month (e.g., $600 in donations earns $60 in commissions)

  2. 20%: $1,000 US to $4,999 US raised per month (e.g., $3,000 in donations earns $600 in commissions)

  3. *30%: $5,000 US to $9,999 US raised per month (e.g., $6,000 in donations earns $1,800 in commissions)

  4. *40%: $10,000 US to $24,999 US raised per month (e.g., $12,000 in donations earns $4,800 in commissions)

  5. *50%: $25,000 US and above raised per month (e.g., $30,000 in donations earns $15,000 in commissions)

These are two countries that are verified as allowing political donations by non-nationals (foreigners), albeit, of course, with at least a few restrictions:

  1. Germany: Donations of up to 1,000 Euros by non-Germans are permitted, 500 Euros anonymously

  2. Israel: Only primary election donations and donations to non-party partisan organizations permitted

All commissions are paid monthly, with commissions announced publicly and paid out at the relevant Forward Friday online meeting held every second Friday of the month at 12 noon Pacific Time.

Also note that it would be a good idea to have a robust LinkedIn profile ready to go and use in connection with your fundraising efforts (including a link in your email signature, etc.) to ensure trust in your donors.

And, in addition to all of the above, note that Upraisers will not only be allowed to earn commissions from those funds they raise themselves, but also commissions from the funds that their Upraiser recruits raise (please see the main Uniraiser page for more information).

Finally, are you an athlete (or an aspiring athlete?)? Consider tying a marathon, triathlon, ultramarathon or other distance and endurance race into your fundraising efforts as a member of Team Runners United!

  1. Upraiser #1 (Commissioned October 1, 2024): Bill Hammons

  2. Upraiser #2 (Commissioned October 1, 2024): Juston James