Christopher “Critter” Milton

2024 Unity Party Candidate for Colorado Congressional District 1

Unity Party CD1 Nominee Critter Milton

While the critiques of a few other Unity Party of Colorado candidates might have a bit of nuance, this critique is not one of them. The disunity within and without the Unity Party (allegedly more than one member of the Unity Party of Colorado is now, as of this writing, attempting a ham-handed attempt at a new “national” party called the “American Unity Party”) all began with Mr. Critter Milton after he was voted in as United National Committee Treasurer at the suggestion of UNC Chair Bill Hammons.

Needless to say, Hammons, Unity Party Chair once again, regrets the circumstances that forced him into the nomination of former Treasurer Milton, if not the nomination itself (Critter Milton was a long-time Treasurer of the Unity Party of Colorado, the flagship affiliate of the Unity Party of America thanks to several successful Unity Party candidate nomination petitions by Hammons, and it begged the question why Mr. Milton hadn’t been elected Unity Party national Treasurer sooner). The Chairman, who had been left for dead by Milton and other so-called “Uniters” in New England after he narrowly survived a catastrophic car accident on a cross-country Unity Party business trip (with no car and no cash for food, the Chairman pushed forward into Boston and successfully garnered the Unity Party of Massachusetts official recognition by the State of Massachusetts after a similar achievement in Florida) had his qualms about a State Treasurer who reeked of arrogance (an arrogance, which it turns out, is matched only by Mr. Milton’s incompetence and his fixation on tearing things down without replacing those things with anything constructive of his own).

The results speak for themselves. In patently nonsensical United National Committee campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission in his capacity as national Treasurer, Mr. Milton used the hard work put into the Randolph Project by Uniter Elijah Herson and others to ambush them, accusing Herson and others of conspiring to exceed campaign contribution limits with free labor. The FEC expressed its opinion about this nonsense by ignoring the non-response of the United National Committee after the Commission suggested that the false reports could be amended, and this was before the United National Committee was deactivated in the FEC system thanks to the non-action of Eric Bodenstab (after burned-out Chairman Bill resigned, allowing the Disuniters to show their true colors and incompetence, Mr. Milton resigned as well [mission accomplished?], leaving the national Treasurer position wide open for the better part of a year, with Mr. Bodenstab first refusing to step up as Assistant Treasurer into the Treasurer position, then registering himself with the FEC as Treasurer in an act of fraud ignoring the May ‘23 Forward Friday vote).

More later, but you’re no doubt starting to get the picture. Forward UP.