Donate to Unitism!
Fund the Future!
Donate to the Unity Party
Click here for a link to the general Unity Party PayPal account
Please indicate whether you are donating to:
Unity Party of Denmark / Great for Greenland Movement (Theoretically unlimited; up to $2,700 USD anonymously)
The Unity Party of Dominica (Unlimited anonymous foreign donations allowed)
The Unity Party of Germany (up to $500 USD anonymously for non-EU citizens / $1,000 USD with donor identified)
Unity Party of Luxembourg (Theoretically unlimited; only non-anonymous donations by natural persons allowed)
Note that, per German law (see Section 25 on this English-language page on the official German Interior Ministry website), non-Germans (foreigners) are allowed to donate to a German political party (including, of course, the Unity Party of Germany): up to 1,000 euros (slightly less than $1,100 as of 2024), including up to 500 euros anonymously (slightly less than $550 as of 2024).
And of course Americans can still donate to the Unity Party of America! Please first contact us so that we can confirm you’re eligible to donate to the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America.
As of the 2023-2024 election cycle, individual Americans are able to donate up to $3,300 per election to the United National Committee.
Feel free to review the relevant American regulations on this Federal Election Commission website page.
And for those of you who are wondering if it’s legal for a website “paid for by the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America” to host content outlining the developing Unity Party of Germany, indeed it is, per the implications of this additional page on the Federal Election Commission website (“Donations from federal candidate committees to state, local or foreign candidates are permissible uses of campaign funds but are subject to the relevant state or foreign laws.”).
Header photo credit: Public Domain (NASA)