Our Party’s Constitution
The Constitution of the Unity Party of America
For an independent and verifiable record of the full text of our party constitution (i.e., our bylaws) please see this page archived by the Wayback Machine. For a note regarding the philosophy behind and formatting of our organization’s Founding Document, click here.
The Official Bylaws of the Unity Party of America (First Adopted April 17, 2010)
The members of the Unity Party of America enter into this Constitution of the Unity Party of America in order to do their part to preserve and protect the United States of America that they hold dear and to better stand united as a party for the principles of commonsense, individual liberty, and justice for all.
Article I: Organization
Section 1:
The United National Committee (the “Committee”) shall be the governing body of the Unity Party of America.
The Committee shall consist of two Unity Party members from each of the United States elected by the Unity Party membership of that State, as well as every officer elected by the Unity Party membership present at a party convention, during that officer’s term of service.
Committee members shall not serve more than four four-year terms.
A party officer may be deemed unfit for office by two-thirds of the Committee.
Party officer vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the Committee, though officers elected in such a manner shall not thus become voting members of the Committee.
Elected Unity Party officers shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
A Chairperson who shall not serve more than four four-year terms beginning on January 1, 2011 and who shall act as party spokesperson, call and preside over Committee meetings, and call and preside over national conventions
A Vice Chairperson who shall not serve more than four four-year terms beginning on January 1, 2011 and who shall immediately assume the office of Chairperson in the event the then-current Chairperson dies or is deemed unfit for office by two-thirds of the Committee; the Vice Chairperson shall only have a vote on the Committee in the event of a tied vote, and shall then vote to break the tie
A Treasurer who shall not serve more than four four-year terms beginning on January 1, 2011 and who shall deposit, disburse, and otherwise handle all Unity Party funds
A Secretary who shall not serve more than four four-year terms beginning on January 1, 2011 and who shall record, maintain, and archive Unity Party records, and rule as Parliamentarian on all matters related to party Constitutional matters and Committee proceedings
Section 2:
A Unity Party member shall be defined as an individual listed on one of the state party pages of www.unityparty.us.
Section 3:
The Unity Party of America Presidential and Vice Presidential Nominees shall be nominated separately by majority votes of the Unity Party membership present at a national party convention.
Article II: Platform
The following positions are recognized as the Unity Party platform [as of the April 2022 National Convention]. Any changes to this platform require the approval of two-thirds of Unity Party members present at a national convention.
Article III: Adoption of this Constitution
This Constitution shall be deemed adopted and effective once two-thirds of party members present at a national party convention ratify this Constitution.
Amendment Process
Any Amendment to this Constitution shall be deemed adopted and effective once two-thirds of party members present at a national party convention ratify said Amendment.
The undersigned members of the Unity Party of America deem this Constitution adopted and effective as of April 17, 2010.
Amendment I. Balanced Budget Amendment
Unity supports the passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment in the interests of the nation’s fiscal and economic health. Any short-term stimulative benefits gained by deficit spending are far outweighed by the long-term damage that spending inflicts on the economy. It’s time to stop spending our children’s inheritance, and it’s time for the state legislatures to apply to Congress for a new Constitutional Convention to pass this and other amendments, per Article V of the US Constitution.
Amendment II. Affirm the 2nd Amendment
The Unity Party of America affirms the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Amendment III. Affirm the 4th Amendment
The Unity Party of America affirms the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects shall not be violated.
Amendment IV. Eliminate the Federal Income Tax [Amended by Amendment XXV]
Unity supports replacing federal income taxes with a revenue measure based on the carbon content of fossil fuels as a simple way of balancing the budget, combating global warming Climate Change, and encouraging the development of alternative energy sources. A reduction in fossil fuel consumption would enhance American power abroad by making this nation less dependent on foreign sources of oil.
Amendment V. Health Care Tax Deduction
Unity supports a full tax deduction for the health care costs of all Americans forced to pay for their own health coverage.
Amendment VI. Social Security Tithe Pool
Unity supports the replacement of federal payroll taxes with a “tithe pool” of less than 10% of earned income. At the end of every fiscal year, the pool of revenues collected that year would be apportioned to guarantee Social Security benefits, Medicare, and other entitlement programs for the following calendar year.
Amendment VII. Supporting our Military
Unity supports our military service members, both active duty and retired, the many brave men and women who have honorably defended our great nation. Unity supports all efforts to get our military better healthcare and retirement benefits as well as making it easier for all veterans to get access to the benefits they need, no question asked.
Amendment VIII. Free and Fair Trade [Amended by Amendment XXV]
Unity supports global free trade in the interest of long-term economic development, so long as provisions are made for a Global Minimum Wage to protect workers both here and abroad, and for carbon tariffs to fight global warming climate change and protect American manufacturers.
Amendment IX. Congressional Term Limits [Replaced by Amendment XXVI]
Unity supports limiting US Senators to two six-year terms in office, and limiting US Representatives to four two-year terms in office.
Amendment X. Judicial Term Limits
Unity supports an amendment to the US Constitution which imposes term limits of 12 years on Federal Judges, including US Supreme Court Justices.
Amendment XI. Enhance Electoral Security
In this age of hackers and other criminals willing to do anything to advance their own agenda and subvert American democracy, Unity supports the requirement that all individual votes in Federal elections, whether they be cast electronically or by other means, be recorded with paper receipts.
Amendment XII. Judges, not Gerrymandering
Unity supports outlawing the drawing of legislative districts along partisan lines, and supports the appointment of panels of retired judges to draw the boundaries of legislative districts.
Amendment XIII. Put Campaign Finance on Solid Foundation
Unity declares that all Federal political contributions, whether they be spent directly or indirectly on campaigns for Federal office, should be reported on a timely basis in terms of individual source and should be limited to no more than the current limit of $2,700 per individual donor, adjusted for inflation going forward; if corporations are real people and money is speech, corporations should be held to the same standards as real people and money still can’t be tossed onto the roaring bonfire of corruption threatening the very structures at the heart of American democracy.
Amendment XIV. Resign to Run
To give the American Taxpayer relief from subsidizing the careers of incumbent officeholders, elected Federal officials seeking office higher than the one they currently hold should resign immediately upon filing for a primary election; the timing of such resignations would allow for the holding of replacement elections in a seamless and efficient manner.
Amendment XV. Make Minimum Voting and Donating Ages 16 [Repealed by Amendment XXI]
When Americans are old enough to drive at 16, they’re old enough to make political donations and vote in elections; conversely, Americans should not be able to make political donations if they’re not allowed to vote in the first place.
Amendment XVI. The American Space Program
Unity supports a focused, efficient and aggressive US space program which leads the world. An American space program that sets the pace will not only inspire Humankind, but will lead to many short and long-term benefits for our nation. Space exploration and the eventual building of colonies on the moon, Mars and planets beyond will provide us with the ‘life jacket’ Humankind might need.
Amendment XVII. Call for DC Statehood
Taxation without Representation for Hundreds of Thousands of American Citizens in the US Capital is symbolic of the dysfunction of the two-party duopoly; the Unity Party supports DC Statehood with appropriate provisions for Federal property.
Amendment XVIII. Self-Determination of All Peoples
Unity supports the right of self-determination for all Peoples, including their right to establish new States within the United States of America as appropriate.
Amendment XIX. Approval Voting
Unity proposes the adoption of Approval Voting, defined as allowing voters to vote for more than one option with the winning option having the broadest possible support, as the official voting method for all votes from internal party votes to state and national votes.
Amendment XX. Unity Party for a United America
The Mission Statement of the Unity Party of America shall be “Unity shall strive for a United America where peoples of all parties and backgrounds shall come together on common ground and move forward together as a nation to create a better country for current and future generations of Americans.”
Amendment XXI. Repeal of Minimum Voting and Donating Ages Platform Plank
Amendment XV to the Constitution of the Unity Party of America, “Make Minimum Voting and Donating Ages 16,” is hereby repealed.
Amendment XXII. Student Loan Freedom [Replaced by Amendment XXXIV]
Unity supports the free market, supports the freedom to get a good education, and therefore supports the Federal government guaranteeing extremely low interest rates on current and future Student Loans, with no profiteering.
Amendment XXIII. Support for the First Amendment Right to Assemble
In the spirit of the First Amendment right “of the people peaceably to assemble,” Unity supports the Right of Ballot Access for all Political Parties as well as the Right of Collective Bargaining for all Unions.
Amendment XXIV. Better Voting for Public Elections
Unity supports the exploration of more sophisticated, more representative voting methods.
Approval voting, range voting, or STAR voting are better methods for electing single member executive offices such as President, governors, and mayors.
Legislative offices should be elected by proportional representation. This includes Congress, state legislatures, boards, and councils.
Amendment XXV. Climate Change
The phrase “global warming” in “IV. Eliminate the Federal Income Tax” and “VIII. Free and Fair Trade” is hereby replaced with “climate change”.
Amendment XXVI. Congressional Term Limits
Amendment IX to the Constitution of the Unity Party of America, “Term Limits”, shall be retitled to “Congressional Term Limits” and shall be amended to read, “Unity supports limiting US Senators to two six-year terms in office, and limiting US Representatives to four three-year terms in office, with one-third of US House seats to be up for election every year.”
Amendment XXVII. Renewable Energy
Unity supports research on creative applications of sustainable and renewable energy sources.
Amendment XXVIII. Arts and Humanities for All
Unity supports the Arts and Humanities for All.
Amendment XXIX. Respect for Underprivileged & Underrepresented Communities
The Unity Party of America will work to Unite America by empowering underprivileged and underrepresented communities.
Amendment XXX. Self-Determination of All Peoples
The Unity party supports peoples rights across the globe to Freedom, Sovereignty, and self-determination.
Amendment XXXI. Right to Equal Education
The Unity party supports equal access to high quality education, innovation in the classroom, and creative funding solutions.
Amendment XXXII. Education Transparency
The Unity Party supports transparency between Educators and Parents or Guardians.
Amendment XXXIII. Right to Alternative Education
The Unity party supports developing high quality and affordable resources for homeschooling.
Amendment XXXIV. Higher Education
The Unity party supports that everyone should have equal access to affordable, high quality higher education, including opportunities outside of student loans.
Amendment XXXV. Social Justice Initiatives
The Unity Party seeks to develop Social Justice Initiatives with actionable policies.
Amendment XXXVI. In the Event that any party office is vacant for any reason, the United National Committee shall meet within 30 days of the vacancy to elect a new officer by majority vote.
Amendment XXXVII. For the Unity Party, the Line of succession for the Chair shall be: Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.
Amendment XXXVIII. Treasurer Role Line of Succession shall be: In the event, the treasurer is unable to serve their role, the assistant treasurer will serve in this role until a vote on a new treasurer is completed.
Amendment XXXIX. When an officer resigns, the resignation is final. If no timing is specified, the resignation is effective at the end of their term. However, they can specify a time prior to the end of their term in writing, or at an official Unity event.
Definition of Resignation: “When a party officer either in writing or verbally at an official Unity function states their intent to resign.”
Amendment XL. The Unity party will announce the National Unity convention in the following fashion, at least 30 days prior to the event date.
All current officers informed
A press release to be displayed on the homepage of the national website
A notification to the active party email distribution list
And added to the event page on the event calendar of the national website
This event will happen once per year and be open and available to the public.
Amendment XLI. The website www.unitypartyamerica.us shall be considered the official Unity Party of America website, and only Uniters who are listed on a www.unitypartyamerica.us state page shall be eligible to vote in any manner.
Amendment XLII. All Unity Party members shall hereafter be referred to as “Uniters.”
Amendment XLIII. Unity Pledge: All members of the Unity Party of America standing for any office within or without the Party shall be required to declare the following: “I, as a Uniter, pledge to advance Unity in this world, and shall speak no ill of others within or without the Party, and shall only work to promote the Truth as we know it.”
Amendment XLIV. All meetings of the UNC shall be announced in advance and shall be accessible to the public online and in person as appropriate, with considerations for safety and decorum.
Amendment XLV. Article I, Section 2 is hereby repealed.
Amendment XLVI. If a Unity Party nominee for President or Vice President becomes deceased, withdraws their nomination, or otherwise becomes incapacitated after their nomination but before the counting of electoral votes in Congress, the United National Committee shall choose their replacement by majority vote.
Header photo credit: Public Domain