Contacting the Unity Party
Send us a message today and we’ll get back to you!
(To send a message to a Unity Party of America candidate for public office, please contact them directly.)
Also note that we’ve started to list the LinkedIn profiles of Uniters who are ready to network and unite with other members of the Unity Party of America (“Hardworking, Everyday Professionals Uniting Across America,” as that page’s subheader puts it), and there’s an optional field below for volunteering to be listed on the same page.
Also note that you have the immediate opportunity to sign up as an Upraiser and a Uniraiser.
Get United!
And yes, unlike some other outfits, we strive for true diversity (as evidenced below, these days at least it apparently doesn’t even occur to the so-called party of the “Democrats” that they could try to appeal to all Americans, or maybe it does but they know they’re no longer capable of doing so or they just don’t care about you).
Header photo credit: Paulhaberstroh