UPA on Wikipedia
A Summary of Our Coverage and What’s Missing
The Unity Party of America’s Coverage on Wikipedia
The Unity Party has fairly extensive coverage on Wikipedia, including this article. The article dating from at least 2020 is fairly accurate, but there a few inaccuracies / things outlined below could be improved.
Note that a lack of a rebuttal on this page should by no means indicates an acceptance of anything said on Wikipedia or anywhere else. Just take this page as a general clarification of the record last we checked it.
The notice “This article reads like a press release or a news article …” is inaccurate and really doesn’t make much sense (the author of this web page has written many a press release and the Wikipedia article reads like neither a press release nor a news article). The box needs to be removed.
Our slogan these days is “Not right. Not left. Forward.”
Tim Wolf of 2022 underperformed Bill Hammons of 2008 (yes, we’re not happy with Mr. Wolf)
We have yet to hear directly from Mr. Ward (only via the Unity Party of Colorado); it’s suspected that he merely joined the Unity Party because it sounds right, which works for us; we’d love to hear from him
If there’s any evidence of “personality disputes” on the United National Committee that triggered Herson’s resignation as chair it’s not linked to and the current Committee is unaware of such evidence
The statement “to conclude the leadership instability” is not supported anywhere on the web
If you add up the party membership across the country in addition to Colorado’s 3,900 official Unity-affiliated voters that should equal over 4,000 members
The “support bases” of Boston, MA plus Austin and Odessa, TX infer too much from other sources