The Double Yellow Line Project
Support The Unity Party’s Double Yellow Line Project!
Below is the step-by-step battle plan that we’ll be following to get the Unity Party of Colorado back on a Centrist path in 2025. Note that this will be a model for Unity Parties throughout the world (i.e., if you have any plans to hijack the “Unity Party” brand, a name which should evoke only images of calm, constructive and common-sense solutions to the world’s real problems, arrived at in a spirit of mature cooperation, and instead try to muck our name up with your Communist and/or Fascist filth, you’re better off saving your energy by [trying to] launch your own party). Don’t mess with us, because we’ll destroy you in the end …
Report unityparty.us to the appropriate European authorities (in light of the growing international phenom that the Unity Party is becoming) for their violations of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Follow up with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) regarding their response to the United National Committee’s complaint regarding federal campaign finance violations surrounding the “American Unity Party” and unityparty.us, and file an amended/expanded complaint
File a concurrent campaign finance violation complaint with the Colorado Secretary of State
Report Judge T.J. Cole to the Colorado Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, for the abuse of his position of trust. AND WE QUOTE: “A judge should not act as an arbitrator or mediator or otherwise perform judicial functions apart from the judge's official duties unless expressly authorized by law.” (as noted on the same Federal Judiciary page, this applies to US judges, but in the same vein, no judge should attempt to act in such a manner at the federal level). Welcome to the jungle, Judge.
Follow-up by phone on the email sent to the Austin Police Department regarding Bodenstab’s likely attempted hacking of the party hosting account (Mr. Bodenstab is most likely involved in the hosting and [what updates there are] of unityparty.us, and perhaps we can give him the final nudge that will convince him to rightly remove himself from the Internet before he’s rightly removed from society).
Formal announcement of the Saturday, April 19, 2025 state convention (to be held concurrently with the national convention)
Tapping the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expertise of the Unity Party’s volunteers/staff, we’ll create Colorado-specific content to attract the eyeballs of Colorado voters exploring their options in 2025; specifically, we’ll create content related to the various Colorado Minor Parties and Qualified Political Organizations (QPOs) that started popping up on the state’s official list once Bill Hammons the first Uniter (i.e., someone who actually can persuade more than a handful of voters to sign a petition and can use his brain to properly instruct the said voters how to do so) single-handedly showed that such a supposed impossibility could be accomplished, and more than a few times …
Class Action Lawsuit: by their own admission, the so-called “American Unity Party,” an amorphous organization lead perhaps by as few as two people which claims connections to the Unity Party of Colorado, is an entirely new organization, separate from the Unity Party of America and the United National Committee. And, apparently without the permission of a single member, they continue to list hundreds and hundreds of Unity Party of America members on the unityparty.us site; this is a clear violation of the rights of these 100s and 100s members which apparently can only be rectified by a class action lawsuit (it’s clear by this point that ringleader Gary Swing and Co. won’t listen to reason).
More later as our plans develop with input from true Uniters!
Item #1: File a complant regarding unityparty.us violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
For those accessing unityparty.us from German territory:
Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit
Graurheindorfer Straße 153, 53117 Bonn DEUTSCHLAND
Tel. +49 228 997799 0
Email: poststelle@bfdi.bund.de
Website: http://www.bfdi.bund.de
Patagonian highway header image credit: paulojuy™