Uniraisers United!

Uniraisers, Unite Your Upraisers and Do Well by Doing Good!

Uniraiser Managers

Powering Upraisers and the Unity Party of America

The Uniraisers are the Unity Party’s fundraising managers. Uniraisers are simply Upraisers who, in addition to doing their own direct fundraising to fuel the Unity Party’s drive to change the world for the better forever, manage other Upraisers, guiding and mentoring them not only in terms of nuts-and-bolts issues such as to how to raise even more donations and recruit other Upraisers so that those new Upraisers can in turn become Uniraisers as well, but also in terms of the Unity Party’s founding Unitist philosophy.

  1. Uniraiser #1 (Commissioned October 1, 2024): Bill Hammons

  2. Uniraiser #1.1 (Commissioned October 1, 2024): Juston James (Recruiting Uniraiser: Bill Hammons)

Note that Uniraisers’ commissions on the commissions of the Upraisers and other Uniraisers in their hierarchy, as a percentage, automatically mirror the original commission rate. For example, if an Upraiser raises $3,000 in donations to the United National Committee and earns $600 in monthly commissions (20% commission rate), that Upraiser’s Uniraiser manager will receive 20% of that $600 (i.e., $120).

Both Upraiser and Uniraiser commissions are payable monthly at the Unity Party’s Forward Friday online confabs, and, speaking of Forward Fridays, by all means join use for the next FF to see us in action and have questions answered (FFs are always held on the second Friday of the month, 12 noon Pacific time).

One final note: please be advised that, as outlined in a bit more detail on the main Upraisers page, the Unity Party, per our Unitist philosophy, is expanding worldwide, and the math gets a bit convoluted when overall commissions are capped by law in the nation where we’re funding a Unity Party. Case in point: in Germany, German law imposes an overall ceiling of 25% on political fundraising commissions, so:

€3,000 (approximately $3,300 at October 2024 exchange rates) in monthly donations raised earns an Upraiser €562.50 (€3,000 x 18.75% commission rate) and their Uniraiser manager €140.63. (This is assuming that the Upraiser has only one Uniraiser above them in their hierarchy; if the Upraiser has multiple layers of management above them, the math gets more complicated still, which is all the more reason to get in on the ground floor in this October of 2024 and get your own ball rolling with Unity!)

Header photo credit: Public Domain

(List of Website Images and Credits)