Paul Noel Fiorino

2024 Unity Party Candidate for Colorado Congressional District 4

Paul Fiorino, Unity Party CO CD-4 Nominee

We wish Paul the best, and do sincerely hope that you’ll vote for him if you live on Colorado’s Eastern Plains, but you won’t be seeing him again in any of the Unity Party monthly Forward Friday confabs.

Per Amendment XLIV to the Unity Party of America Constitution, which states that “All meetings of the UNC … shall be accessible to the public online …” but also provides for “… considerations for safety and decorum,” the Chair of the United National Committee made the very reluctant decision to remove Mr. Fiorino from the Forward Friday invite list (our Forward Fridays are official meetings of the United National Committee, in addition to being general information and Q&A sessions for prospective members, members of the media, etc.). Paul has been a source of wisdom and insight over the years, but he dropped the F-bomb during a fairly lengthy rant (of at least 20 minutes) expressing his dismany and disbelief that the national party wouldn’t accept his attempt to transfer his 2024 Presidential nomination to Dr. West (matters came to a head when the national party decided to replace Messrs. Fiorino and May with a second 2024 Presidential ticket while also deciding to not challenge the Unity Party of Colorado’s illegal action in court).

As much as we already miss Paul, we need to maintain some decorum, and profanities will pretty much get you booted from party function invite lists (the only other such comparable instance was when 2020 Unity Party Vice Presidential nominee Eric Bodenstab threatened to punch his 2020 running mate “in the f***ing face” after Bodenstab and his friend Jim Dub were removed from all pretensions to national leadership, an action which they’re still attempting to dispute).

We wish all Uniters the best, even if they might not always live up to the “Uniter” label. Forward UP.