To America’s Politicians
Thank you for speaking truth to power. Now save yourselves.
To America’s Politicians: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
Please note that no one on this list of four (and counting) former or current American politicians (defined simply as “a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of or a candidate for an elected office”), nor any of the five (and counting) prominent Americans who are former admirals and generals and 11 (and counting) other brave American heroes has any affiliation whatsoever with either the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America or any other arm of the Unity Party of America as a whole. Nor have any of them even been (formally, at least) informed of their placement on this list.
We Uniters are merely trying to save lives, the American democratic tradition, and Western Civilization.
Former President George W. Bush
What former US President George W. Bush has said about Trump:
"That was some weird s***."
Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney
What former Congresswoman Liz Cheney has said about Trump:
"This is how dictators destroy free nations."
Former Vice President Dick Cheney
What former US Vice President Dick Cheney has said about Trump:
"Greatest threat ever to our Republic."
Nice contrast to the Steven Cheung video at the top of this other page, no?
Former US Representative Adam Kinzinger
A few things that former US Representative and Air National Guard Lieutenant Colonel Adam Kinzinger said before Trump’s return:
“Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong.”
"I'm genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven't talked about the odor. It's truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can."
[Regarding Trump’s thumbs-up campaign appearance amongst the war dead at Arlington]: “That is so beneath the Presidency.”
What former US Representative and Air National Guard Lieutenant Colonel Adam Kinzinger has said about Trump’s return:
“I will continue until the end of my days to defend democracy.”
Header photo credit: Winkelvi