To Our American Generals
Thank you for protecting the rest of us. Now save yourselves.
To Our Generals and Admirals: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
Please note that no one on this list of seven (and counting) former or current American military officers has any affiliation whatsoever with either the United National Committee or any arm of the Unity Party of America as a whole. Nor have any of them even been formally informed of their placement on this list.
We Uniters are merely trying to save lives, the American military tradition, and Western Civilization.
Also please be sure to visit these lists of four (and counting) former Presidents, Vice Presidents and Members of Congress and 11 (and counting) other brave American heroes who have also spoken out.
Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly
What retired Marine general and former WH Chief of Staff John Kelly has said about Donald J. Trump:
“Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.”
“He certainly prefers the dictator approach to government.”
[Trump] “never accepted the fact that he wasn’t the most powerful man in the world — and by power, I mean an ability to do anything he wanted, anytime he wanted.”
“I think he’d love to be just like he was in business — he could tell people to do things and they would do it, and not really bother too much about whether what the legalities were and whatnot.”
“And I think this issue of using the military on — to go after — American citizens is one of those things I think is a very, very bad thing — even to say it for political purposes to get elected — I think it’s a very, very bad thing, let alone actually doing it.”
“He’s certainly the only president that has all but rejected what America is all about, and what makes America America, in terms of our Constitution, in terms of our values, the way we look at everything, to include family and government — he’s certainly the only president that I know of, certainly in my lifetime, that was like that.”
“He just doesn’t understand the values — he pretends, he talks, he knows more about America than anybody, but he doesn’t.”
“Certainly, a big surprise for him, again, was if you remember at the beginning of the administration, he would talk about ‘his generals’ … I don’t know why he thought that — but then a very big surprise for him was that we were — those of us who were former generals and certainly people still on active duty — that the commitment, the loyalty was to the Constitution, without question, without second thought.”
“That was a big surprise to him that the generals were not loyal to the boss, in this case him.”
“[Trump] commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too.’”
“Certainly his not wanting to be seen with amputees — amputees that lost their limbs in defense of this country fighting for every American, him included, to protect them, but didn’t want to be seen with them. That’s an interesting perspective for the commander in chief to have” … “He would just say: ‘Look, it just doesn’t look good for me.’”
“Whenever John McCain’s name came up, he’d go through this rant about him being a loser, and all those people were suckers, and why do you people think that people getting killed are heroes? And he’d go through this rant.”
“And I thought he was asking one of these rhetorical kind of, you know, questions” … “But I didn’t realize he was serious — he just didn’t see what the point was. As I got to know him, again, this selflessness is something he just didn’t understand. What’s in it for them?”
“Trump used the terms suckers and losers to describe soldiers who gave their lives in the defense of our country.”
The same week the above comments by General Kelly were made public, these following former Trump administration officials (out of 13 signatories in total) went on the record in an open letter to support the General and his comments. (You can learn more about these brave civilian heroes at their own list.)
The revelations General Kelly brought forward are disturbing and shocking. But because we know Trump and have worked for and alongside him, we were sadly not surprised by what General Kelly had to say. We applaud General Kelly for highlighting in stark details the danger of a second Trump term. Like General Kelly, we did not take the decision to come forward lightly. We are all lifelong Republicans who served our country. However, there are moments in history where it becomes necessary to put country over party. This is one of those moments. Everyone should heed General Kelly’s warning.
Kevin Carroll, former Senior Counselor to Kelly
Sarah Matthews, former Deputy Press Secretary
Elizabeth Neumann, former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security
Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director
Miles Taylor, former Chief of Staff at the Department of Homeland Security
Stephanie Grisham, former White House Press Secretary
Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House Director of Strategic Communications
Olivia Troye, former National Security Adviser to Vice President Mike Pence
General Mark Milley
What General Mark Milley has said about Donald J. Trump:
“He is a walking, talking advertisement of what he’s going to try to do.”
[Trump] is “fascist to the core.”
[Trump] is “the most dangerous person to this country.”
“We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, to a tyrant or dictator or wannabe dictator.”
Retired United States Army general Stanley McChrystal
What General Stanley McChrystal has said about Donald J. Trump:
"I think it's important for me to work for people who I think are basically honest."
Retired United States Navy four-star admiral William H. McRaven
What Admiral (Ret.) William McRaven has said about Trump:
"These are things a disturbed 15-year-old boy would do, not the commander in chief, not the man who holds the nuclear codes, not the leader of the free world."
Jim Mattis, former Secretary of Defense and retired four-star Marine Corps General
What former Secretary of Defense and retired four-star Marine Corps General Jim Mattis has said about Trump:
"Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us … We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution."
25th United States National Security Advisor and former US Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster
What General H.R. McMaster has said about President Donald J. Trump:
“… McMaster recalls telling his wife he could not understand Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ‘hold’ on President Trump.”
“McMaster describes meetings in the Oval Office as ‘exercises in competitive sycophancy’ during which Trump’s advisers would flatter the president by saying stuff like, ‘Your instincts are always right’ or, ‘No one has ever been treated so badly by the press.’”
[Trump once said during an Oval Office meeting:] “Why don’t we take out the whole North Korean Army during one of their parades?”
[Re: J6:] “[his] ego and love of self … drove him to abandon his oath to ‘support and defend the Constitution,’ a president’s highest obligation … The attack on the US Capitol stained our image, and it will take a long-term effort to restore what Donald Trump, his enablers, and those they encouraged took from us that day.”
Air Force Four-Star General Charles Q. Brown Jr., 21st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
What General Brown has said (note that this is not a critique of Trump, but nonetheless his past comments have made him a prime target for the second Trump administration):
“… I'm thinking about a history of racial issues and my own experiences that didn't always sing of liberty and equality …”
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