Unity Party of Denmark
And the Great for Greenland Movement!
Welcome to the Official Webpage of the Unity Party of Denmark!
(And the Great for Greenland Movement!)
Yet again, the United States has expressed its interest in acquiring Greenland, a vast territory rich in resources and a natural shield against Russian aggression (just glancing at a map shows clearly that the US could certainly do more with this territory than tiny Denmark, and certainly do more for Greelanders).
As of 2023, Greenland had a population of 56,865, and it just so happens that the minimum population of a US territory for consideration as a State is 60,000 (per the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, “… whenever any of the said States shall have sixty thousand free inhabitants therein, such State shall be admitted, by its delegates, into the Congress of the United States, on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever …”). In plain English, Statehood would be both possible and Great for Greenland.
Not only that, Denmark itself, at the heart of northern Europe and astride the entrance to the Baltic Sea, would make for a remarkaly well-situated American base of operations, also to deter Russian designs on the region (all Europeans should be thrilled by the idea of Denmark joining the United States along with its territory of Greenland, and consider the possibility themselves). Full disclosure: the Unity Party has been advocating its peace-and-prosperity “Nations Without Borders” Unitist philosophy for some time now …
How could any of this possibly happen? The simple answer: good old-fashioned democracy. According to the latest research conducted by the Unity Party’s United National Committee (see sources below), anonymous donations up to DKK 20,000 ($2,700 USD as of 2024) can be donated to the Unity Party of Denmark, which, as you can imagine, would advocate for all of the action above. Donate UP today!
Header photo credit: Public Domain