8th United National Convention
The 2025 United National Convention of the Unity Party of America
Agenda of the 8th United National Convention (Tentatively Saturday, April 5, 2025)
Online via Google Meet (contact us via the online contact form for login info for any meeting)
Click here for the 7th (2024) United National Convention page
9 AM Pacific Time (10 MT / 11 CT / 12 Noon ET): Opening of Convention with introductions
Voting on three separate proposed amendments to the Unity Party Constitution (proposed by Bill Hammons):
Any Uniter who is able to officially affiliate with the Unity Party in their State as a registered voter must do so, in addition to being listed on a state page of www.unitypartyamerica.us, in order to vote at party meetings.
All State Affiliates of the Unity Party of America are hereby bound to honor all decisions of the Unity Party of America governing bodies, including, but not limited to, accepting national Unity Party nominees for office.
The United Executive Committee (the “UEC”) shall, in addition to the United National Committee (the “UNC”), be considered a governing body of the Unity Party of America, and all votes by the UNC must pass the UEC on the same terms (including majority votes and two-thirds votes). Membership on the UEC shall be open to all Uniters, but voting power on the UEC shall be apportioned according to the number of petition signatures that Uniter has accrued in aggregate towards their own standings for public offices as an official Unity Party candidate, as well as the number of votes that Uniter has accrued in aggregate in elections for public offices as an official Unity Party candidate. The two Committees shall be collectively known as the United Committees.
[Voting power on the United Executive Committee as of the conclusion of the 2022 election:
James Treibert: 57,387 UEC votes (57,387 votes for Adams County Commissioner 2020)
Bill Hammons: 53,139 UEC votes (6,647 votes for US President 2020; 25,854 votes for Colorado Governor 2018; 9,336 votes for US Senate 2016; 6,427 votes for US Senate 2014; 2,176 votes for US House 2008; 800 petition signatures for US President, NJ ballot, 2020; 1,000 petition signatures for US Senate 2014; 899 petition signatures for US House 2008)
Eric Bodentab: 32,501 UEC votes (6,647 votes for US Vice President 2020; 25,854 votes for Colorado Lt. Governor 2018)
T.J. Cole: 16,379 UEC votes (16,379 votes for US Senate 2022)
Christopher Otwell: 9,316 UEC votes (9,316 votes for University of Colorado Board of Regents District 6 2020)
Paul Noel Fiorino: 9,221 UEC votes (2,534 votes for US House 2020; 6,687 votes for Colorado Governor 2022)
Seku Evans: 8,971 UEC votes (8,971 votes for US Senate 2020)
Jerry Burton: 7,482 UEC votes (7,482 votes for Colorado Senate District 33 2020)
Critter Milton: 6,093 UEC votes (4,265 votes for US House 2020; 1,828 votes for US House 2022)
Laura Ireland: 4,530 UEC votes (4,530 votes for US House 2020)
Jaimie Kulikowski: 3,884 UEC votes (3,884 votes for US House 2020)
Gary Swing: 2,524 UEC votes (2,524 votes for for US House 2020)
Dave Olszta: 2,355 UEC votes (2,355 votes for US House 2020)
Tim Wolf: 1,968 UEC votes (1,968 votes for US House 2022)
Scott Wagner: 874 UEC votes (874 votes for Colorado House District 43 2018)
Joe Richardson: 633 UEC votes (633 votes for Colorado House District 5 2020)
Troy Brekke: 539 UEC votes (539 votes for Colorado House District 5 2022)]