Dr. Cornel West
Unity Party of America Candidate
Dr. Cornel West, a vote-splitter who could very be blamed for the re-election of a President who’ll take America only further down the path of totalitarianism, allowed his campaign to do an end-run around the United National Committee and directly seek the Unity Party of Colorado’s nomination (the guy on the left with the painfully creepy “smile” is Gary Swing, who declared in writing that Dr. West was not a viable candidate before manipulating the state party “vote” behind the scenes, by, among other things, conveniently neglecting to name other candidates by name before the state convention). Mr. Swing and his Communist co-conspirators apparently didn’t get the memo that the national party’s reaching out to the West campaign was merely no more than an effort to set the stage for a democratic contest between Dr. West and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and thus avoid the coronation that occurred in Denver in April. Stay tuned!
This situation will be addressed in more detail at a later date. For the time being, in light of the Colorado Secretary of State’s declination to make a correction, the United National Committee will take no action.