Runners United!

Runners, Run to Raise Funds for a Better World!

Runners United

Running to Raise Funds for a Better World

Unity Party founder Bill Hammmons running the Queens, NY Half-Marathon (courtesy New York Road Runners)

Yes, we’re re-launching Unity Runners of yore, as “Runners United.”

Runners United, once this page and section are fully up and running (no pun intended), will be a fundraising machine once again, helping to promote Unitism and raise funds for Unity Parties around the world (especially in countries, such as Germany and Israel, where foreign donations are allowed).

How it works: when you sign up with Runners United as a miler, marathoner, ultramarathoner, etc., you’ll reach out to everyone you know, telling them about the Unity Party of America, about Unitism, and about how we’re fighting for you, for them, and for everyone else. And you’ll be asking them for real support (i.e., money): you’ll be amazed by how willing people become to open their wallets to donate, say $26.20, $262 or $2,620, once they hear that you’re seriously training to, or have already run for a good cause, the 26.2 miles of a marathon.

And, while this shouldn’t be your primary focus, you could also make a living as a United Runner by also signing up as an Upraiser!

Many more details to follow soon!