To Our American Heroes
Thank You For Doing The Right Thing. Now Save Yourselves.
To Our American Heroes: Save Yourselves While You Can
Please note that no one on this list of 13 (and counting) prominent Americans plus five (and counting) prominent Americans who are former admirals and generals and four (and counting) former Presidents, Vice Presidents and Members of Congress has any affiliation whatsoever with either the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America or any arm of the Unity Party of America as a whole (unless otherwise clearly noted). Nor have any of these people even been formally informed of their placement on this list, at least as of the first creation of this page, though we will neither confirm nor deny that email addresses associated with their names might or might not be on the official United National Committee press release distribution list. We Uniters are merely trying to save a few lives and Western Civilization.
“Nothing to stop the truth from coming out.” Indeed, Mr. Cheung. Indeed.
Before reviewing what the real American heroes below have had to say about the once-and-future President and (in many cases) their former boss, please watch the above video and keep in mind the juxtaposition (and be rest assured that Mr. Cheung’s typical statements on behalf of his boss are even stranger).
The same week that these comments by John Kelly (a former Marine Corps General and WH Chief of Staff) were made public, these following former Trump administration officials (out of 13 signatories in total) went on the record in an open letter to support the General and his comments. (The signatories pictured above are [in order] Ms. Matthews, Mr. Scaramucci, Mr. Taylor, Ms. Grisham, Ms. Griffin.) The letter states:
The revelations General Kelly brought forward are disturbing and shocking. But because we know Trump and have worked for and alongside him, we were sadly not surprised by what General Kelly had to say. We applaud General Kelly for highlighting in stark details the danger of a second Trump term. Like General Kelly, we did not take the decision to come forward lightly. We are all lifelong Republicans who served our country. However, there are moments in history where it becomes necessary to put country over party. This is one of those moments. Everyone should heed General Kelly’s warning.
Kevin Carroll, former Senior Counselor to Kelly
Sarah Matthews, former Deputy Press Secretary
Elizabeth Neumann, former Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security
Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director
Miles Taylor, former Chief of Staff at the Department of Homeland Security
Stephanie Grisham, former White House Press Secretary
Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House Director of Strategic Communications
Olivia Troye, former National Security Adviser to Vice President Mike Pence
Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
What former SecDef Esper has written about Trump’s plans to steal the 2020 election:
“Without being too explicit, my message was clear: the US military was not going to get involved in the election, no matter who directed it. I would intercede.”
26th United States National Security Advisor (2018 to 2019) John Bolton
What Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton has said about Trump:
"Trump is unfit to be president … If his first four years were bad, a second four will be worse."
Cassidy Hutchinson, former Assistant to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows
What Cassidy Hutchinson has said about Trump:
"There were several times throughout my tenure with the chief of staff that I was aware of him either throwing dishes or flipping the tablecloth to let all the contents of the table go onto the floor and likely break or go everywhere.”
What Cassidy Hutchinson reported that Trump’s White House counsel said:
"We're going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen."
Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former personal attorney
What Michael Cohen has said about Donald J. Trump:
"Policy doesn't matter to him. Facts don't matter to him. What matters to him is the size of the crowd and the applause that he gets. That's all he cares about. … It's not just Elon Musk that's going to ultimately get pushed out and lose everything — their name, their reputation, their honor, their family's honor and so on.”
Trump niece Mary L. Trump
"I guess if we were talking about ... some non-seditionist Republican who won who wasn't an adjudicated rapist, and convicted felon and who hadn't stolen government documents ... Okay, I guess we could say that it's very important that we continue to go by the traditions and the rules and a peaceful transfer of power but why go out of our way to normalize this stuff?"
Header photo credit: Our Banner in the Sky by Frederic Edwin Church (Public Domain)
Anthony Scaramucci photo: Jdarsie11
Michael Cohen photo: Jay Dixit
Mary Trump photo: TheNexusInstitute
All other images in the Public Domain unless otherwise noted
(in many instances due to creation by US government employees)