Party Leadership Timeline
“Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” - United States Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis
November 4, 2004: Unity Party of America is founded by Bill Hammons and his late father Rich Hammons
April 17, 2010: Unity Party Constitution is ratified at 1st Unity Party of America convention; the United National Committee is designated the official governing body of the Unity Party of America
April 17, 2010: Bill Hammons is elected 1st Chair of the United National Committee
June 26, 2021: Chairman Bill Hammons designates the monthly Forward Fridays official meetings of the United National Committee
February 11, 2022: Bill Hammons resigns as 1st Chair of the United National Committee due to burnout
March 18, 2022: Galen Bercaw resigns as Vice-Chair of the United National Committee
April 9, 2022: Elijah Herson is elected 2nd Chair of the United National Committee
June 7, 2022: Elijah Herson resigns as 2nd Chair of the United National Committee; Vice-Chair Tim Wolf becomes 3rd Chair per Amendment XXXVII of the Unity Party Constitution
March 29, 2023: Tim Wolf resigns as 3rd Chair of the United National Committee
April 7, 2023: Vice-Chair Jim Wiest declines Chairmanship of the United National Committee; Per Amendment XXXVII of the Unity Party Constitution, Secretary Eric Bodenstab becomes 4th Chair of the United National Committee, until his term expires on April 28, 2023 per Amendment XXXVI of the Unity Party Constitution; by becoming Chair Bodenstab vacates any other positions he might hold; the second screenshot below indicates his desire for the position he had at the time, and the third screenshot indicates former Chair Tim Wolf’s belief Bodenstab became chair, though Wolf ignores the Article 4 nature of the election.
May 12, 2023: Jim Wiest is removed as Vice-Chair of the United National Committee at the Forward Friday official meeting of the United National Committee, per Article 1, Section 1, Clause 4 of the Unity Party Constitution
May 12, 2023: Alex Darlington is unanimously elected 5th Chair of the United National Committee at the Forward Friday official meeting of the United National Committee per Article 1, Section 1, Clause 4 and Amendment XXXVI of the Unity Party Constitution [note that “May 13” indicates retrieval of following day]
July 29, 2023: Alex Darlington resigns as 5th Chair of the United National Committee, despite the wide acceptance of his Chairmanship within the Unity Party
July 30, 2023: Sabrina Bryan resigns as 6th Chair of the United National Committee; Treasurer Bill Hammons becomes 7th Chair of the United National Committee
October 7, 2023: Bill Hammons is confirmed as 7th Chair of the United National Committee at the annual Unity Party of America convention
November 22, 2023: On the 60th anniversary of the most famous political assassination in history, even the few remaining Jim Wiest holdouts finally start to acknowledge Hammons as Chair of the United National Committee (and thus of the Unity Party). Unfortunately, these acknowledgements and apologies for character assassination come too little, too late.
Saturday, April 6, 2024: Among others but well after the convention was already underway, Colorado Sr United National Committee Representative Jesse Parris requested to attend the 7th United National Convention (note that Dom Waters, indicated in the timeline event directly above, was, at least at the time, the Colorado Junior United National Committee Representative). Click on Mr. Parris’s name here or above for the response to his very tardy request to participate.
August 9, 2024: The Unity Party holds its 8th United National Convention (in order to nominate the party’s 2024 Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominees), and this event is the first such Unity Party of America event ever to be added to the official calendar of the Associated Press. A big deal. Forward UP.
December 16, 2024: And the good folks at Google have also come around to the correct indication of party leadership (Bill Hammons as “Leader” in addition to Founder). Note the SERP (search engine results page) for “unity party of america” is first and the SERP for “unity party america” is below. Feel free to check!
Header photo credit: TheTurducken