Unity Party of New York
Uniting the Empire State
Are you a proud New Yorker who’s interested in joining the Unity Party of New York? First contact any of the Unity Party of New York Uniters listed below, then sign UP!
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Juanita Stadler, Cortland County Chair
Sherman Reickhart Jr., Erie County Chair
Doug Moosbrugger, Erie County Vice Chair
Chris Gearhart, Erie County Asst Vice Chair & New York United National Committee Sr. Representative
Jason Ciani, Erie County Deputy Asst Vice Chair
Andrew Petagna, Kings County Chair
Leonard Wahl, Nassau County Chair
Gary Grella, Nassau County Vice Chair
Grayson Webster, New York County Chair
JW Danks, New York County Vice Chair
Jeremy Boss, Rockland County Chair & New York United National Committee Jr. Representative
Allan Stern, Westchester County Chair
Header photo credit: William Warby