Eric Bodenstab

Unity Party of America Candidate

Eric Bodenstab

Unity Party candidate for Jefferson County, Colorado Commissioner, District 1. Family man. Upstanding, law-abiding citizen. Faithful Uniter.

Coloradans, don’t be fooled. For now, just “enjoy” the below, one small example of the perennial amateur hour that is the political “career” of William Eric Bodenstab, Jr.

Many more details later, as time permits and as additional threats of violence roll in.

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Need Straight Answer re: Presidential Candidate List, Please

One thing I would like to add:

We worked very hard on this ourselves, with neither of us having much familiarity with the State of Tennessee. It was my first time in the state.

While the heat, humidity and insects posed a greater challenge than my hometown or current place of residency, it was nevertheless enjoyable.  And the greater Nashville area with its legacy is a special place.

I am convinced and will always be that we engaged 400 eligible voters and attained 400 valid signatures.  We followed the spirit of the law and did way more good than any minor inconvenience to the residents.

Since this is indeed a petition, I please ask that you honor our demonstrated commitment to your state and look for ways to see the validity of our work.

Thank you,

Eric Bodenstab 


Many are called, but few are chosen.

Eric Bodenstab, Unity Party of America Vice Presidential Nominee

2020 Unity Party of America Nominee for Vice President of the United States Eric Bodenstab standing with petition papers and a clipboard in front of a Tennessee Civil War-era cannon. Most likely owing to Mr. Bodenstab’s lack of attention to detail (his literal inability to cross his t’s and dot his i’s [or, more accurately, instruct others to do so]), the Unity Party Presidential ticket failed to make the Tennessee ballot that year.

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