The Digital Nomad Union
Fighting for Digital Nomads Everywhere
Welcome to the Official Webpage of the Digital Nomad Union!
The Digital Nomad Union (DNU) has been established to fight for the rights of digital nomads everywhere.
“What is a digital nomad?” you might ask. Simply put, a digital nomad is someone who works remotely, for a company and/or clients who are in another location or locations, often miles and even contintents away.
Specifically, we’re advocating for the Declaration for Support of Digital Nomadism, which (in our humble opinion) should state the following:
Declaration for Support of Digital Nomadism
The undersigned nations hereby declare, in the interests of developing their economies, attracting the best and the brightest workers, and simply acknowledging the growing realities of an increasingly-interconnected world, that foreign visitors legally located within their sovereign territory, even those just visiting on temporary visas, shall be exempted from all national, regional, state and local income taxes of any sort within the confines of said nation, and same visitors shall be exempt from all income reporting requirements while being allowed to work digitally in-country, with exceptions for traditional employment.
The core argument for the single, simple demand above is the work of any digital nomad will be a hands-down net-plus for any host country: host countries can enjoy the benefits of remote workers pumping income into their economies without having to provide those workers with any benefits in return and without those remote workers taking more traditional jobs that can be filled by locals. While there might be more demands later as the memberships of both the Union and the Unity Party grow, that’s it in a nutshell. Digital nomads, feel free to reach out to Unity Party founder (and hard-core digital nomad) Bill Hammons directly via his campaign site today, and let’s get to work on behalf of the entire digital nomad community!
And let’s have the first signing ceremony aboard the Princesse Marie-Astrid at the same spot on the Moselle where the Schengen Agreement was signed (it would make for great symbolism of renewed hope for the world)!
Header photo credit: W.R. Hammons