UNC Reports Site to FEC
Communications, United National Committee
Unity Party Reports unityparty.us to Federal Election Commission
Tuesday, July 17, 2024 (Sarajevo, Bosnia) – The Chairman of the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America (www.unitypartyamerica.us) has reported the hijacked website unityparty.us to the Federal Election Commission.
“On Saturday, political violence came within one centimeter of plunging America into a Second Civil War that is still most likely inevitable,” says Unity Party Chair Bill Hammons. “These increasingly extraordinary times force me to take extreme measures against former associates who have threatened me personally and directly with physical violence, and the associates of those former associates.
“I therefore, with some lingering reluctance, hereby report the ‘nebulous’ outfit currently controlling the website of unityparty.us that I registered twenty years ago. The reason for those air quotes and numerous other details are outlined in a complaint letter posted at https://unitypartyamerica.us/complaint-to-fec and duly emailed to the email address EnfComplaint@fec.gov. A perusal of the relevant page on the FEC website already tells me there might be a few hoops to jump through filing a complaint from overseas, but rest assured the Unity Party will firmly establish, at least within the realm of the real Unity Party, that threats of physical violence (I have proof), posting of illegal pornographic filth in meetings (reasonable suspicion), attempts at extortion, the making up of new ‘facts’ apparently on the basis of what some random person has had for breakfast any given morning, and the turning of policy disputes into malicious personal attacks have no place and are not to be tolerated. I would advise here and now that this ‘nebulous’ organization go off-grid and into the hole where its members belong.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party is an FEC-recognized political party with a national presence dedicated to helping everyday Americans find common ground and pragmatic solutions. The UPA can be found on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica + at the official website unitypartyamerica.us.
This communication paid for by the United National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Federal Election Commission
℅ Office of General Counsel
1050 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20463
Via Email
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Commission,
It is with great reluctance that I hereby report a violation of FEC regulations, specifically regarding the website www.unityparty.us. As you will see in the first exhibit below, those who are now in operational control of said website have apparently attempted to stop using the name “United National Committee” by removing the committee name while still retaining the “Not authorized by and candidate or candidate’s committee” portion of the required disclaimer.
To be clear, while this “nebulous” outfit (I’ll explain the air quotes further down) obtained control of this United National Committee website through an unfortunate series of events, those individuals in control of the site are not in fact the United National Committee, as numerous of these individuals were removed from leadership positions at an official Forward Friday United National Committee meeting, nearly half resigned from office, and the one remainder is just confused.
Per your own website (the relevant page to be found at www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/advertising-and-disclaimers) “Communications paid for by an individual, a group, a political committee, a corporation, or a labor organization, but not authorized by a candidate or a candidate’s campaign, must contain a disclaimer notice identifying who paid for the communication.” The questionable site’s half-(baked) disclaimer (of which you will find a screenshot below) certainly does not comply with the law.
Naturally, this is a case in point of why American democracy needs election laws enforced. The world certainly needs to know who’s attempting an incompetent attempt at the “American Unity Party” while engaging in copyright and other violations. Allow me to be of assistance, as an American citizen who happens to have insider knowledge, in providing contact and other identifying information for the five conspirators listed on the “United National Committee” page (surely these individuals, if they were no longer associated with the operators of this website, would have long ago requested that their names, photos and titles be removed from this page and the website altogether). Also please note that this page was not just randomly left on the site; the page in question can easily be reached by clicking on the “Contact Us” link in the navigation bar at the bottom of each site page, then clicking on the prominent “United National Committee” link in bright blue, clearly below the contact form. To wit, the pertinent details:
Tim Wolf: [Phone number redacted from web version] Last known residence: Boulder, Colorado
Jim Wiest: [Phone number redacted from web version]; Last known residence: Olympia, Washington (If you have trouble tracking him down, the rumor is that he is in a local nursing facility. Start there.) Also please note his status was once referred to as “nebulous” by co-conspirator Bodenstab. Finally, please note his attached email, which you might regard as an inadvertent confession as to operational control of the website; as a bit of a side note, Mr. Wiest has a penchant for constantly threatening and bullying others (including Ms. Waters below) with legal action which never seems to materialize; the lawyer cc’d in-message isn’t a good one.
William Eric Bodenstab, Jr.: [Phone number redacted from web version]; Last known residence: Arvada, Colorado; IP address (per his rejected “vandalism” on Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Unity_Party_of_America&action=history]); not to be confused with William Eric Bodenstab, Sr., his father and the prominent urologist). For additional details, you may contact the Austin, Texas Police Department for the police report filed in July of 2023 after online threats.
Dom Waters: Denver, Colorado (Please note that, technically, she is one of two Colorado representatives on the United National Committee, though she has not made a scheduled meeting of the Committee in quite some time [please see the relevant screenshot below of her “apology” email below, and please note that, like many of her co-conspirators, she’s disturbingly confused; her apology on behalf of “Unity Party … National” came immediately after she sought and received a reassurance from myself that Jim Wiest was not the Unity National Chair and therefore she had not just been kicked out of “Unity Party National.”])
Troy Brekke: [Phone number redacted from web version]; if there’s one of the five who’s perhaps merely guilty of not googling himself enough, it’s this young man; word is he resigned in 2023.
I’m well aware that, seen in a certain light, an incomplete website disclaimer might seem like a minor violation of the law with an easy remedy, but please allow me to put everything in the proper light, per the press release I am about to send out on behalf of the true United National Committee: These jokers have acted like a bunch of jerks. I have endured threats of physical violence (I have proof), witnessed the posting in one of our Forward Friday online meetings a pornographic video of a woman in bondage eating human feces (I have a reasonable suspicion and the suspect’s IP address), ham-handed attempts at extortion (as if physical violence isn’t enough), the making up of new ‘facts’ apparently on the basis of what some random person has had for breakfast any given morning (that person’s penchant for changing the facts to fit his mind seems to be rivaled only by his penchant for every meal he can get his hands on), and the turning of policy disputes into repeated malicious personal attacks.
In short, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Commission, if there was ever a case for using a clear violation of the law to drain a cesspool of human filth, this is it.
Please note that, regardless of the outcome of this case, I will also be referring these rogue operators of unityparty.us to the appropriate European regulatory authorities regarding egregious violations of the General Data Protection Regulation. Mr. Wiest’s less-than-contrite emailed response below and disregard for my warning will no doubt not play well in Brussels (anything with the “Unity Party” label on it in whole or in part will soon have a material connection with EU countries in light of the under-development Unity Party of Germany; more on that later in terms of establishing and maintaining Chinese walls between international affiliates of the Unity Party, but just please note here that I humbly ask you to show no mercy to Mr. Wiest and his rogues’ gallery in light of the Brussels-imposed financial penalties coming down on them later like a hammer).
Also please note that I’m currently enjoying an extended visit here in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I understand that electronic signatures in this country are permitted by national law. I also understand that a notarization is required; please advise as to the acceptance of said notarization by a Bosnian notary for our purposes. I await your response regarding all above matters.
William Robert Hammons
[Address redacted from web version]
Bee Cave, TX 78738
Bill Hammons
Co-Founder, Unity Party of America
Chairman, United National Committee
Senior Texas Representative, United National Committee
Header photo credit: The World Needs to Know