The UNC Versus The USA

Join the Unity Party’s Class Action Lawsuit Over An Arlington National Cemetery Campaign Stunt

The UNC Vs. The USA

A Class Action Lawsuit Over An Arlington National Cemetery Campaign Stunt

The United National Committee is exporing being a party to a class action lawsuit related to the photo op/stunt illegally conducted on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery by Donald J. Trump et al. On Monday, August 29, 2024, the former President and staff on his campaign, in clear violation of the Hatch Act as outlined below in the screenshot from the Arlington official website, posed for photos (complete with, in this context, obscene thumbs-ups) that, aside from the general issues of using hallowed ground and federal property for political purposes, included the gravestones of fallen soldiers whose families didn’t give permission in any shape or form. Video was also posted on TikTok (the former President is now for the platform after he advocated against it). (One of the first rationalizations for this behavior that we’ve heard already is that the family members involved gave permission; all the permission, willingness and even enthusiasm in the world doesn’t give the few the right to speak for the four hundred thousand.)

One other aspect of this incident is that, when a well-respected ANC employee tried to enforce the Arlington rule that only an Arlington photographer can take pictures or film in Section 60, she was verbally abused with profanities and shoved out of the way. Trump campaign spokesman Stephen Cheung would later describe that ANC employee as “suffering from a mental health episode” (the employee tried to de-escalate the situation, and the Army would later describe her professionalism as “being unfairly attacked”).

How could the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America possibly be a party to a lawsuit? If Donald J. Trump and only Donald J. Trump, candidate for President of the United States, is allowed to conduct political activity on said federal grounds, naturally we have something to say about that.

But rest assured that the United National Committee is merely interested in helping to set right a wrong. And it just so happens that the father of the UNC Chairman (i.e., the Chairman of the Unity Party) died exactly five years to the day before the incident in question (from Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam) and also rests at Arlington. So, while the Unity Party might not be a party to the core issue, some Uniters are …

In short, the main thrust of this suit on behalf of those whose loved ones are buried at Arlington is to force the United States Army to enforce its own rules and the United States to enforce its own laws (i.e., to have Donald J. Trump et al prosecuted for all crimes committed on this hallowed ground that belongs to all Americans). More (including related press releases) will be posted here as the situation develops and progress is made. If you’d like to be a party to the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America et al versus the United States of America et al, contact the United National Committee via this page.

And for those who might think that it’s a little too convenient that the incident in question happened to occur on the fifth anniversary of the death of a Presidential candidate’s father (and might be convinced that the below image is altered or faked altogether), by all means feel to look this image up on your own via the Arlington National Cemetery official website’s burial database.

Header photo credit: W.R. Hammons

Richard D. Hammons headstone photo credit: Department of the United States Army (Public Domain)

(List of Website Images and Credits)