AG Gaetz? Leave. Now.
Communications, United National Committee
Unity Chair After Writing Letter to Scholz: “AG Gaetz? Leave. Now.”
Thursday, November 14, 2024 (Bad Kreuznach, Germany) – Moments after firing off a letter (https://www.billisrunning.com/brief-an-bundeskanzler) via an online contact form to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Unity Party Chair Bill Hammons (https://unitypartyamerica.us) issues a simple four-word warning to his fellow Americans back in the States: “AG Gaetz? Leave. Now.”
“I’m not exaggerating when I say that I think we have to go back 646 years to 1378 (when Pope Urban VI was elected head of the Catholic Church after, among other things, cleaving in two a female prisoner two fellow ruffians had been fighting over during the sacking of this or that city) to find a situation as absurd as this,” says the dumbfounded chairman. “Now-former Congressman Gaetz, who looks like yet another Hollywood villain, and certainly acts like one, is now comfortably in the President’s pocket (if he wasn’t already) after being saved from a House investigation into, among other things, child sex trafficking and statutory rape.
“I’m really trying to resist the temptation to say that these folks are nuttier than the Nazis, and avoid all the implications of that statement, but developments like these are really testing anyone who’s paying attention. All I can say at the moment, in addition to asking the many Bundestag staffers reading this to forward these messages to the good Herr Bundeskanzler as a demonstration of urgency, is that Gaetz’s nomination only further makes the point that the folks listed on the growing list of https://unitypartyamerica.us/our-american-heroes need to spend their holidays saying goodbye to any family members not going with them, and get the heck out of Dodge before the next J6. Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party, dedicated solely to helping humankind find common ground and pragmatic solutions, is an FEC-recognized political party in the United States with a national presence (the Unity Party has 1000s and 1000s of officially-affiliated voters in Colorado alone) and recognition in multiple states around the world. The home of Unitism can be found at unitypartyamerica.us and on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica.
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