Letter to BiH High Rep.
Communications, United National Committee
Unity Chairman Sends Letter of Intent to High Representative for BiH
Thursday, August 22, 2024 (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Unity Party of America (www.unitypartyamerica.us) Chair Bill Hammons has sent notice to the office of the High Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina of plans to form the Unity Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will of course be a party “of the people, by the people, and for the people” of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
“To be clear, the term ‘Letter of Intent’ is often construed as a legal term, but, to my knowledge, the email just sent to Representative Schmidt’s office is the first that anyone in Bosnia has ever heard of the Unity Party,” says Chairman Hammons. “I’m open to any guidance that the Representative and his office might be willing to provide as we move forward, and rest assured that this exploration and formation process, much like it has been in Germany and the United States, will be above board from day one. Partly because only Bosnian citizens can fund their own Unity Party, a ‘priceless’ Google Doc will be the party’s Web presence for the time being, and it might be highly symbolic that the doc is linked to from https://unitypartyamerica.us/unitism-party-philosophy. In any event, true Uniters are slowly gathering in fours and more not just to ensure that democracy ‘shall not perish from the earth,’ but that the earth itself ‘shall not perish.’ Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party is an FEC-recognized political party with a national presence dedicated to helping everyday Americans find common ground and pragmatic solutions. The UPA can be found on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica + at the official website unitypartyamerica.us.
This communication paid for by the United National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Header photo credit: W.R. Hammons