Hammons Goes Public
Communications, United National Committee
Unity Party’s Hammons Goes Public With Kennedy Emails: “No Jack”
Monday, August 26, 2024 (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Unity Party of America (www.unitypartyamerica.us) Chair Bill Hammons is going public with communications between himself and the now-defunct campaign of RFK, Jr.
“In light of his grandfather Joe Kennedy Sr.’s well-documented fawning over Hitler, today’s Mister Kennedy is proof-positive that unmorality is one of those traits that can skip a generation,” says Hammons. “I’m going full-public with emails from earlier this year demonstrating that I’m not just some random kerl who wants to put in his two cents about a mercenarial move to endorse a ‘day-one dictator’ in exchange for a job following a rebuff from the Vice President. A careful reading of these released emails will reveal that I did my best to sink a campaign I had serious questions about at the time, even as I did a Dance with the Devil to explore the possibility of allowing dark money to be combined with my unsurpassed petition-gathering, party-building expertise to help a full-fledged Unity Party of Texas see the light of day. For anyone who doubts this interpretation, I have contemporary text messages to verify. In any event, as that sage philosopher Brad Pitt once said, ‘Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.’
“And regardless of the minutiae, it pains me that this will be the only connection between Unitism, the Unity Party and the name of an uncle who stood strong and saved the world from an ‘ism’ of the globe-threatening variety in 1962. Mister Kennedy, it’s now clearer than ever that you’re no Jack Kennedy. Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party is an FEC-recognized political party with a national presence dedicated to helping everyday Americans find common ground and pragmatic solutions. The UPA can be found on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica + at the official website unitypartyamerica.us.
This communication paid for by the United National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Kennedy family header photo credit: Public Domain