Hammons Bundestag Letter
Communications, United National Committee
Unity’s Hammons Releases Letter to Members of the Bundestag
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (Bad Kreuznach, Germany) – On the 50th anniversary of his birth into a military family defending the Federal Republic of Germany and Western Civilization in general from would-be invaders out of the East, the Unity Party Chair appeals to the Bundestag for a return of an old favor.
“I’ll let the original letter in German speak for itself at https://unitypartyamerica.us/brief-bundestag-unity,” says United National Committee Chair Bill Hammons, “and also take this opportunity to provide a bit more background in English. The US Democratic Party has yet again failed to deliver for the American people. At best, next month’s election will be close, but close isn’t good enough when you’re dealing with radioactive election denials. It has been clear for a while, and it’s now clearer than ever, that we’ve entered the twilight of American democracy. The only question is whether this sunset will be soft and glowing, or blood red, but, in any event, it’s time to start planning ahead.
“Therefore I’m sending a letter directly to many members of the German Parliament, making the case why Germans in particular should be ready to step up and do the right thing for themselves and humankind. For the American politicians, judges, journalists and generals mentioned in that ‘Then they came for me’ adaptation I was inspired to write the other day, know that heading to Canada won’t cut it (if Trump wants you, he’ll get you there). Great Britain will of course be a good option for anyone who’s ever said a word of truth about our Day-One Dictator, but, IMHO, the heart of Europe is the safest bet. Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party is an FEC-recognized political party with a national presence dedicated to helping everyday Americans find common ground and pragmatic solutions. The UPA can be found on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica + at the official website unitypartyamerica.us.
This communication paid for by the United National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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