FF Press Releases
Communications, United National Committee
Unity Announcing Forward Fridays Via Future Press Releases
Thursday, November 7, 2024 (Bad Kreuznach, Germany) – Unity Party Chair Bill Hammons (https://unitypartyamerica.us), on the 150th anniversary of the first portrayal of the GOP elephant breaking everything, has announced that this Friday’s (Nov. 8th) Forward Friday online meeting of the United National Committee and general confab of Uniters and the Unity-curious alike will be held, beginning at 12 noon Pacific time, at https://meet.google.com/pex-wpbd-avn. The media and the general public around the world are welcome to attend, are asked to RSVP at unitednationalcommittee@gmail.com, and are encouraged to check their time zone difference at https://unitypartyamerica.us/forward-friday-meetings.
“I, like billions and billions of people around the world, have spent the last few days beginning the process of processing Tuesday’s events, and I encourage all interested parties to join us for an hour tomorrow as part of that process,” says United National Committee Chair and 2028 exploratory Unity Party candidate Hammons. “And in many different ways, now seems the appropriate juncture to open our Forward Fridays to the world, at least those citizens of the world who are, at the very least, curious about the Unity Party and ready for civil discussion.
“Finally, for those of you who care to hear a few words on the state of the world from the Unity Party’s éminence grise in residence: don’t make too much of Tuesday’s election, because the reality is bad enough. My smarter-than-you-think fellow Americans decided that we needed a President, not a prosecutor, and made a terrible choice because they were only presented with terrible choices. With respect, my fellow German-borns shouldn’t judge, but let history judge as harshly as it needs to one day. This ‘gray eminence,’ who was once on the Presidential ballot in multiple sizable US states simultaneously, a running mate with suicidally poor judgment notwithstanding, looks forward to seeing how, perhaps and behind the scenes, he can make the Unity Party happen in the January elections looking more certain by the hour. The many, many Bundestag members on this list know where to find me tomorrow evening, which will happen to be beneath a window with a view of the hill where I was born. Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party, dedicated solely to helping humankind find common ground and pragmatic solutions, is an FEC-recognized political party in the United States with a national presence (the Unity Party has 1000s and 1000s of officially-affiliated voters in Colorado alone) and recognition in multiple states around the world. The home of Unitism can be found at unitypartyamerica.us and on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica.
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