Chair’s Letter to Mother


Communications, United National Committee


Unity Chair Takes Moment For Letter to Mother

Tuesday, February 18, 2025 (Bad Kreuznach, Germany) – The Chair of the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America ( has taken a moment from surveying the gathering whirlwind those ignoring the possibilities posited by the past shall reap, to respond to one American’s inquiry as to why he might soon seek political asylum in the nation with the most at stake in the continuity of democracy, an American who happens to be his mother.

As I explained to my mother, it’s taken a while to respond because the evidence of evil just keeps piling up day after day,” says Unity Party Chair Bill Hammons. “I have no doubt that Senator Sellout, even if his soul was apparently subbed out in that New Haven law school and/or that 2024 Nürnberg-on-Lake-Michigan, was only too aware of the symbolism of Munich as he attempted to export fascism back across an all-too-narrow Pond last week, even as, as the world now knows, the criminal leadership of that one nation under God whose Constitution my father swore an oath to and that I will always be loyal to, above all men, was simultaneously trying to force a national sellout down the throats of the Ukrainian people, à la Hitler and Schuschnigg at the Berghof 87 years later to the week.

“This wasn’t covered in the letter to my mother, so I’ll say it here: Canadians, Ukrainians, and all in between and beyond now clearly face an existential threat courtesy a man I’ve been criticizing on TV since 2017. Canadians should lead the way in calling Herr Trump’s bet and raising it by 59 electoral college votes: Canada (and a separate Quebec) should offer to join the United States effective January 1, 2029, on the condition that they be given a fair vote in the ‘28 election. The words ‘Focused on the Future,’ not as a dodge, but as an embrace of responsibility, will be one of my mantras going forward, along with Forward UP.”


About the Unity Party of America

The Unity Party, dedicated solely to helping humankind find common ground and pragmatic solutions, is an FEC-recognized political party in the United States with a national presence (the Unity Party has 1000s and 1000s of officially-affiliated voters in Colorado alone) and recognition in multiple states around the world. The home of Unitism can be found at and on social media at,,,,, &

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