Bodenstab Site Seized
Communications, United National Committee
October Surprise #2: Bodenstab Site Seized for Non-Payment
Monday, October 7, 2024 (Somewhere between Odessa, Texas and Odesa, Ukraine) – Last week, the campaign site of 2024 Unity Party nominee for Jefferson County, Colorado Commissioner Eric Bodenstab, https://www.ericforallofus.com, was seized for non-payment and other reasons, and has now been turned true.
“First, I’d like to apologize for the necessary timing today of this dramatic action,” says Unity Party 2024 Presidential nominee Bill Hammons, “But it’s incumbent upon me, as Bodenstab’s former friend of two decades, former running mate, former webmaster, former communications director, former treasurer, and former pretty-much-everything-else-that-actually-involved-work, to show the voters of Colorado today the nature of what managed to make its way onto their ballots.
“And please allow me to add that, rest assured, I’m not just pushing back against one bully. Mr. Bodenstab is at the heart of a dual criminal enterprise, headless, faceless, weak, incompetent, corrupt, and dangerous nonetheless. In a lovely (apparently blast) and unsigned email that was sent a while back to hundreds and hundreds of Uniters nationwide, I was accused of being, and I quote, a ‘fraud.’ This is quite a remarkable accusation, seeing as how my solo voter signature petitions, and mine alone, successful in multiple states despite Mr. Bodenstab’s inability to literally cross his t’s, dot his i’s, and remember where he’s slept at night, founded the Unity Party in Colorado and elsewhere. It’s great that I’ve found an excuse to use my masked-desert-raider image taken on the edge of the Sahara last year, but, know this: I’m not headed back to the dunes. Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party is an FEC-recognized political party with a national presence dedicated to helping everyday Americans find common ground and pragmatic solutions. The UPA can be found on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica + at the official website unitypartyamerica.us.
This communication paid for by the United National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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