“NOT Affleck’s Agent!”
Communications, United National Committee
Unity’s Hammons: “For the Last Time, I’m NOT Ben Affleck’s Agent!”
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (Somewhere between Odessa, Texas and Odesa, Ukraine) – Unity Party of America (www.unitypartyamerica.us) Chair Bill Hammons, fresh off a European film festival (or two), would like to remind the world that he is not Ben Affleck’s agent and the Unity Party is not his agency.
“Googles of the term ‘ben affleck agent’ notwithstanding, I am not Mr. Affleck’s agent and the Unity Party of America, an organization to whom I happen to have temporarily loaned Bill’s List (www.thetalentedlist.com), is not Mr. Affleck’s agency,” says Hammons. “While it goes without saying that we at the Unity Party have more important people to worry about right now, Mr. Affleck, his real agent, his newly-minted ex, and just about everyone else in Hollywood are more than welcome to peek around the curve, see the future for what it is, and get United.
“And for those of you who think I’m unfairly picking on a Business Insider journalist, hey, at least she’s not the ‘very sad indeed’ perhaps-former Senior Colorado representative on the United National Committee. I’d recommend that my former Colorado friends keep their ‘seduction dolls’ in the 18+ range, but, in any event, his and others’ fates will be decided this Friday the 13th. Forward UP.”
About the Unity Party of America
The Unity Party is an FEC-recognized political party with a national presence dedicated to helping everyday Americans find common ground and pragmatic solutions. The UPA can be found on social media at facebook.com/unitypartyofamerica, instagram.com/unitypartyamerica, tiktok.com/@unitypartyamerica, twitter.com/unitypartyus, & youtube.com/@unitypartyamerica + at the official website unitypartyamerica.us.
This communication paid for by the United National Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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